Yesterday was the start of the actual conference after a great workshop day! Team Elastacloud were once again up bright and early (perhaps regretting the night before and lack of sleep), which was tricky after the amazing Spark meetup in the evening. Our hotel is just a hop, skip & jump from the Conference centre and we got there just in time for the keynote.
What a keynote it was! We had Matei talk about the upcoming developments in Spark and hint at some major new features of Spark 2.3+ and then a huge announcement from Ali Ghodsi at Databricks, the announcement and release of Databricks delta; Delta combines the performance of Data Warehouses with the Speed of Streaming and the Scale and Efficiency of Data Lake (did anyone else just groan a little bit with happiness).
YES! You did read that correct, the best parts of Data Warehouses, Data Lakes and Streaming all in one.... eeeeeppppp!
Check out the next post from David Crossland for a hugely exciting announcement in the work of Spark Streaming